Granville Fire Department Granville Mass


Tanker 1


YEAR / MAKE / TYPE 2000 Mack / US Tanker / Tanker
PUMP SIZE / TANK SIZE 750 gpm Darley PTO / 2500 gallon tank
ENGINE / TRANSMISSION Mack Diesel E7400, 400 HP / Allison 6 speed automatic
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES Cab controlled dump chutes for single person operation
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Automated Newton dump chute system with extendable chutes
OTHER EQUIPMENT CARRIED High band radios, rechargeable hand lights, 14' roof ladder, 35' extension ladder, Portable Trash Pump, Gas powered ice auger, various hand tools, hose and adapters, portable extinguishers, 2- 200' 1 3/4" pre-connected attack lines with Task Force nozzles, 2 - 10' X 5" hard suction, 400' of 3" supply line, 2500 gallon fold-a-tank
ACQUISITION DATE Purchased new in 2000
TRUCK COMMITTEE MEMBERS Jim Meadows, Scott Loomis, Patrick Jennings, Hwy Supt. Scott Short
OTHER INFORMATION This truck was the result of 15 years of effort to replace a 1972 Dodge Oil Tanker that was the front line tanker for GVFD. Granville is a rural community with no public water supply. Therefore, all firefighting efforts are dependent on water shuttled by tankers. This truck has been a tremendous asset in improving department efficiency and safety.

Granville MA Fire Department Seal

Granville Fire Department
709 Main Rd.
Granville, MA 01034

Station: (413) 357-8572 Ext. 2
Burn Permit Activation:
(855) 793-1007
Contact Us

Fire Dept on Town of Granville Website


Matthew Ripley

Deputy Chief:

Steve Cook