Granville Fire Department Granville Mass

Granville FD Fire Stations

The Town of Granville, MA, has two fire stations: Center Headquaters, and West Station

The Center Headquaters is located at 707 Main Rd. This building was built in the mid seventies. Recently the building has received a new steel roof and white vinyl siding. Headquaters is home to Engine 1, Tanker 1, Rescue 1, Brush 1, Ambulance 1, the Haz-Mat Trailer.

West Station is responsible for engine coverage to the west side of town. The station is home to Engine 2


The Headquaters is equipped with emergency power provided by a central stand-by generator that automatically powers up the Granville Town Hall, Police Department, and Granville Emergency Management in the event of a power failure

Each town is assigned an identification number to be used with all communications. Granville has been assigned ID #82. The GFD maintains a high band repeater radio system with the main tower located on Blandford Road.

Although the GFD is dispatched by a regional PSAP, the station contains fully functional communications and dispatch facilities if necessary. During storms or severe weather, connections to Northampton may become terminated. GFD personnel can staff the dispatch console at the station.

Granville MA Fire Department Seal

Granville Fire Department
709 Main Rd.
Granville, MA 01034

Station: (413) 357-8572 Ext. 2
Burn Permit Activation:
(855) 793-1007
Contact Us

Fire Dept on Town of Granville Website


Matthew Ripley

Deputy Chief:

Steve Cook